Top 10 powerful women in the World 2012, 2011, 2010, top 10 women in
Top 10 powerful women in the World 2012, 2011, 2010, top 10 women in world, List of top 10 woman in world 2011, 2010, Forbes listing of top 10 women world, Top 10 powerful women in the World 2009, Top 10 Women across World
Top 10 powerful women in the World 2012, 2011, 2010, top 10 women in world, List of top 10 woman in world 2011, 2010, Forbes listing of top 10 women world, Top 10 powerful women in the World 2009, Top 10 Women across World
Rank | Name | Age | Country | Category |
1 | Angela MerkelChancellor, Germany |
58 | Germany | Politics |
2 | Hillary ClintonSecretary of State, United States |
64 | United States | Politics |
3 | Dilma RousseffPresident, Brazil |
64 | Brazil | Politics |
4 | Melinda GatesCo-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation |
48 | United States | Humanitarian |
5 | Jill AbramsonExecutive Editor, New York Times Co. |
58 | United States | Media |
6 | Sonia GandhiPresident, Indian National Congress, India |
65 | India | Politics |
7 | Michelle ObamaFirst Lady, United States |
48 | United States | Politics |
8 | Christine LagardeManaging Director, International Monetary Fund |
56 | France | Humanitarian |
9 | Janet NapolitanoSecretary, Department of Homeland Security, United States |
54 | United States | Politics |
10 | Sheryl SandbergCOO, Facebook |
43 | United States | Technology |
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